The enterprising maestros at Hipster Whale? The indie game marketing experts who made Frogger bigger, faster, better… In App Purchase micro-transaction style… As in each and every single day… What’s one to do with all the idle free time, stuck indoors? For many of us, screen time, video games, Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, Spotify, Apple Music, you name it. Virality and Pandemic? No longer obscure, esoteric concepts. This year? We have come to know hibernation.

Right back to closures until further determination. What a year! Just as the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic hit the world… Indoors dining, bars, and pubs? Gyms and barbershops too? The same businesses and politicians leading the charge to reopen the world’s economy? Retreating, back-peddling… Most of them, at least.

Crossy Road At Home: Hipster Whale Indie Game Marketing crossy road hipster whale indie game marketing aso video game marketingĢ020.