
Space jesus grateful dead
Space jesus grateful dead

space jesus grateful dead

Most of the moons and red dragons, the drops dropped onto welcoming tongues had by then reached peak immersion so when the set break came around there were smiles wherever you looked, pie-eyed lovers trading glances making each other welcomed and reassured.we're all in this together tonight! The afternoon clouds made nightfall a cyclorama, firing their electrical charges at each other and this was not lost on the band as they began to play with the lightning and thunder. Swaying and twirling to dreamy Birdsong and Althea, square dancing on the grass with beautiful strangers to Mexicali and Deal, the first set closed as the sun went to rest down round the other side leaving a star spangling night. plenty of space to spread the blankets, soak up the sun while it lasted, to watch and wait to see what the night would reveal of heaven. Entering the venue we sensed the best place for us was under the sky. We found ourselves an inviting space on the hill on the grass beneath the sky.the sound was amazing even as high as we were. Back to the tales of western heroes and villains, with Mexicali into Big River after that.

space jesus grateful dead

Jack Straw.next was "Enjoy the Ride" or so the back of my ticket says, then Althea, both fairly new songs in '83. The band did not disappoint: Bertha is a great way to open a show. That day there were no lines only groups of people ahead and behind trekking together through the woods, heading to an evening that promised to be blessed.

space jesus grateful dead

The journey from the campsites to the venue is so beautiful. Drumming, singing, dancing, toking and passing along. In their own way everyone contributed to the day's celebration, priming each other for the show. The tribe was mellow and serene as sunshine rays of golden daydream liquid bathed the rocky woods and splashing streams. Majestic clouds floated peacefully over the parkland that is the Saratoga Performing Arts Center. the aud is pretty loud on this recording, but they really roared whenever "if the thunder don't getcha the lightning will" It's because thru Space before The Wheel Jerry was playing weird atmospheric licks as if he was accompanying the brilliant, exploding flashes of lightning and rolls of spooky thunder exploding above us in the sky that night. "lots of double-dose people here tonight!" is what i managed to scribble on the back of my ticket stub.

Space jesus grateful dead